The 9th Plenary Session of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on Promoting the Use of Legitimate Software Held in Beijing

On May 27, Liang Yanshun, Vice Minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the 9th Plenary Session of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on Promoting the Use of Legitimate Software in Beijing. Mr. Liang emphasized that promoting the use of legitimate software, as an important part of intellectual property (IP) protection, has special and important status . It concerns both the country’s image in IP protection and the high-quality development of the software industry as well as online information security. The Joint Conference members shall thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and the guiding principles of the 19th National Congress of the CPC as well as its Second, Third, and Fourth Plenary Sessions to build up the sense of mission and urgency, shore up the efforts in promoting the use of legitimate software, make due contributions to achieving a comprehensive well-off society, and realizing the goals of the13th Five-Year Plan.

It was agreed that guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the 2019 Joint Conference, with its members supporting and collaborating with each other, yielded positive results in strengthening supervision at the source, standardizing software utilization and management, launching joint inspections, supporting industrial development, and conducting publicity and training. The achievements in promoting the use of legitimate software by government agencies, state-owned enterprises, and financial institutions were effectively consolidated, which further brightened the good image of China in IP protection, stimulated the high-quality development of the software industry, and enhanced online information security. All regions and departments provided solid organizational guarantees by further adjusting their work mechanism, with standing committee members and publicity department chiefs of the CPC committees in 26 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), including Beijing, as the leadership group head or the Joint Conference convener for promoting the use of legitimate software under their jurisdiction.

Mr. Liang put forward five requirements for promoting the use of legitimate software in 2020.First,further improve the work mechanism and give full play to its edges and functions. The Joint Conference members shall better coordinate with each other, focus on promoting the use of legitimate software in government agencies and state-owned enterprises, and urge and guide parties concerned to further improve the work mechanism as well as the inspection and evaluation system.Second,further upgrade the criteria, consolidate and expand the fruits gained in promoting the use of legitimate software. The working style shall be innovated, work standards enhanced, and work scope expanded on the basis of consolidating the achievements made in government agencies, central-owned enterprises, and financial institutions.Third,further improve the overall coordination to expedite the use of legitimate software in key industries and areas. The coordination with competent authorities in key industries and areas shall be strengthened to accelerate the promotion of legitimate software in specific industries and key areas, such as energy, medicine, education, transportation, and press and publishing, among others.Fourth,further strengthen supervision and evaluation to ensure concrete results made in all key tasks. Human and technology-enabled controls shall be given equal emphasis, and the technical approaches shall be in full play. It is essential to further strengthen supervision and evaluation by employing a combined method of supervision by joint meeting members, random investigation, and third-party support.Fifth,further strengthen publicity and guidance, to constantly create a sound environment that respects the value of software. The policies and achievements of promoting the use of legitimate software shall be better publicized and the exemplary role of the models shall be taken advantage of, to actively create a positive atmosphere for using copyrighted software.

The session was also attended by Tian Yulong, Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Li Chenggang, Assistant Minister of Commerce, Peng Huagang, Secretary-General of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Zhao Zhengping, Vice Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Fan Youshan, Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Han Yi, Chief Engineer of the State Administration of Market Supervision, Wang Yonghong, Deputy Commissioner of the National Government Offices Administration, Zhou Huiguo, Deputy Commissioner of the Natioanl Intellectual Property Administration, Li Jiehong, Deputy Commissioner of the Administration of Organs Directly under the CPC Central Committee, as well as heads of relevant departments of Joint Conference members. The session reviewed and approved the2019 Work Report and the 2020 Work Plan of the Joint Conference.