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China saw a significant rise in the rate of copyright registrations for works last year, with many provinces seeing year-on-year increases of 100 percent or more, the National Copyright Adminisration of China (NCAC) said.

Last year, copyrights were registered for more than 6.4 million works, up 42.3 percent year-on-year, according to the latest data released by the NCAC.

Beijing witnessed the most such registrations, followed by Shandong and Fujian provinces, the administration said. It added that rate of copyright registrations in many provinces, including Henan, Jiangxi and Yunnan, exceeded 100 percent compared to 2022.

More than half of the total registered works were art pieces, while the rest were for photographs, literature, films and television programs, it said.

In addition, nearly 2.5 million pieces of computer software registered their copyrights last year, an increase of about 36 percent year-on-year, marking a new high in both the number and the growth rate over the past five years, it added.

Source: chinadaily