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WIPO Director General Francis Gurry’s Video Message for the Celebration of Beijing Treaty Entering into Force

The Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances, administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), will enter into force on April 28, 2020. NCAC will stage a series of activities celebrating and publicizing the entry into force of the treaty, mainly in the form of “virtual celebration”.

In this connection, WIPO Director General Francis Gurry sent his video message for the “virtual celebration”. In his speech, he highlighted a milestone was reached in international copyright system, with the conclusion and entry into force of the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances. Mr. Gurry pointed out the treaty was concluded in China and named after Beijing, and the online copyright industry and film industry are quite extraordinary in China, which makes celebrating the entry into force of the treaty in Beijing, China doubly appropriate.