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Marrakesh Treaty: Beijing hosts meeting to discuss disability benefits

Officials, experts and beneficiaries of the Marrakesh Treaty have gathered in Beijing to discuss how the agreement can help the visually-impaired people in China gain equal access to cultural products and facilitate their social participation. 

It has been four months since the Marrakesh Treaty came into force in China. The treaty aims to eliminate copyright-related obstacles for visually-impaired people and facilitate their access to books and print material.

China's National Copyright Administration held a meeting on Friday to discuss the implementation of the treaty in the country as the first and only agreement that combines human rights and intellectual property.

The Deputy Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization took part in the event and explained the significance of the treaty's implementation in China through a video message.

SYLVIE FORBIN, Deputy Director General, World Intellectual Property Organization "The entry into force of Marrakesh Treaty for China will enable the nearly 17 million persons visually impaired in China to have access to hundreds of thousands of works from other countries, at the same time, it will provide the opportunity for China to share with people who are visually impaired around the world the accessible works of its remarkable talented writers and other creators."

The President of the China Association of the blind was also among the participants. He said the Marrakesh Treaty will help persons with disabilities to enjoy a better cultural life and have equal participation in the society.

LI QINGZHONG, President, China Association of the Blind "The implementation of the treaty will provide visually-impaired people with abundant reading resources, improve the level and quality of their education, improve their social participation, and therefore enhance common prosperity. It can also promote the exchange of barrier-free products between China and other parties of the treaty."

Some other participants said China's active participation in projects that help and support the disabled show that it is a responsible major country that works towards achieving its goal of building a community of a shared future for mankind.

"Many participants believe that as the Marrakesh treaty comes into force in China, it brings visually-impaired people a sense of achievement, happiness and security. "